abuildingused for theworshipof agodorgodsin somereligions
庙宇,寺院;神殿- Theroofof the temple washeldup by arowofthickstonecolumns.
- On acleardayyou canseethe temple in thedistance.
- This temple is aplaceofgreatholinessfor the religion'sfollowers.
- The temple isnotedforitsrichcarvings.
- Inside the temple,worshipperswerekneelinginsupplication.
Religious buildings & places
- abbey
- ashram
- caliphate
- cathedral
- chapel
- friary
- gurdwara
- hermitage
- house of God
- minster
- monastery
- mosque
- nunnery
- pagoda
- synagogue
- tabernacle
- the Holy See
- United Church of Canada
- vicarage
- wat
templenoun(BODY PART)
[Coften plural]
theflatareaon eachsideofyourheadinfrontof thetopofyourear
太阳穴,鬓角The head & face
- -cheeked
- -chinned
- -faced
- -necked
- cheekbone
- chin
- chiselled
- chop
- dimpled
- duck face
- frontal
- jowl
- mandible
- maxillofacial
- modiolus
- mug
- nucha
- nuchal
- physiognomy
- weak