used todescribeapieceofclothingthat isshapedtofita person'sbodyclosely:
(衣服)腰身合体的a tailoredsuit合身的套装
used todescribeclothingthat is made for aparticularpersonby atailor
(衣服)量身定制的Style & appearance of clothes
- aesthetic
- alterable
- anti-fur
- Aran
- backless
- flouncy
- form-fitting
- French tuck
- frilly
- fringed
- raglan
- ready-to-wear
- reversible
- ribbed
- ruche
- waisted
- washable
- wasp-waisted
- water-repellent
- wearable
tailoredadjective(FOR PURPOSE)
made orchangedespeciallyto besuitablefor aparticularsituationorpurpose:
特制的,特供的Theprojectclearlyrequiresa tailoredcomputersystem.这个项目显然需要一种特制的电脑系统。
Adapting and modifying
- acclimate
- acclimation
- acclimatization
- acclimatize
- accommodate
- ambidextrous
- amendment
- chameleon
- change with/keep up with/move with the timesidiom
- configure
- counter-adaptation
- pliancy
- pliant
- pliantly
- putsomethingback
- putsomething/someoneforward
- unadapted
- unamended
- writesomeoneout ofsomething
- Zelig