uk/ˈteɪ.pər/us/ˈteɪ.pɚ/taperverb[I or T](GET NARROWER)
tobecomegraduallynarrowerat one end, or to make something do this:
Taperyourbrowsslightlyat the end.
Thetablewasmountedonslender, taperinglegs.
- Thecreaturehad a cone-shapedbodycoveredwithloose,shaggyhair, tapering to asmallhead.
- Thetopof thebuildingtapers into acone.
- Sheworeloosesilkypantsgatheredinto adeep,fittedwaistbandand tapering at herankles.
- Roll thedoughinto athicksausageabout 15cmlong, tapering it to apointat one end.
- Taper thepathto make itappearlonger.
Becoming and making smaller or less
- abridgment
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuating
- attenuation
- boil
- damp
- falling
- falling-off
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- go through the flooridiom
- haircut
- rollback
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- rundown
- sag
- salami slicing
- shave
- telescope
taperverb[I or T](REDUCE AMOUNT)
tograduallybecomeless inamount, or to make something do this:
The newtaxcreditwillgraduallytaper forhigherearners.
It isimportantto tapermedicationtopreventnarcoticwithdrawalsyndrome.
tograduallyreducetheamountoftrainingthat you do,especiallyin the laststageofpreparingfor animportantraceorcompetition:
When tapering for arace, the athlete'sheartrateshould besteadier.
They tapered theworkoutin the last twoweeksbefore theevent.
- Bolton'sformhas tapered with fourlossesin the past fourgames.
- Theallowancewill taper for those withhigherincomes.
- She tapers thedrugsso thatmotherswill be offmedicationat thetimeofdelivery.
- There was noevidencethatquittingcoldturkeywas moredifficultthan tapering thenumberofcigarettessmokedperday.
- It'simportanttostaymobileafter themarathon; taperyouractivity, don'tstopabruptly.
Becoming and making smaller or less
- abridgment
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuating
- attenuation
- boil
- damp
- falling
- falling-off
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- go through the flooridiom
- haircut
- rollback
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- rundown
- sag
- salami slicing
- shave
- telescope
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Exercising & training
Phrasal verb
taper off
uk/ˈteɪ.pər/us/ˈteɪ.pɚ/a verythincandleor a verythinstripofwood, usedespeciallyin the past forlightingcandles,fires, etc.
细枝小蜡烛; 点火木片;灯芯;烛芯
Lighting & light fittings in the home
- bulb
- candelabra
- candle
- candlestick
- candlewick
- chandelier
- halogen lamp
- head torch
- headlamp
- hurricane lamp
- lamp
- nightlight
- penlight
- rope light
- SAD lamp
- searchlight
- unlit
- uplighter
- votive candle
- wick