uk/səˌvaɪ.vəˈbɪl.ə.ti/us/sɚˌvaɪ.vəˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/thefactof beingabletosurvive(= tocontinuetoliveorexist,especiallyafter comingclosetodyingor beingdestroyed):
It is one of the most treatable ofcancers, with a five-year survivabilityrateof 90percentifcaughtearly.
Theseweaponscangreatlyincreasethe survivability of thetroopsthat use them.
thepossibilityofescapingfrom aparticularthing without beingkilledorseriouslyhurt:
Each of thecarstestedgotstarsforcrashsurvivability, four for thebestand one for thepoorest.
Both theseeventsdemonstratethe survivability ofearthquakeswhensocietiespreparecorrectlyfor them.
- Thecrophas survivabilitychallenges, but it may have somelong-termpromisefor theregion.
- Unfortunately, the survivability of theyoungbirdsfrom thenestwasnil.
- She said that she had noillusionsabout thenumberofanimalstheysavedmaking anyrealdifferencein the survivability of anyspecies.
- Although there was theprospectof alengthyboatrideand theminimalsurvivability of thepatient, theaircrewstillcontinuedwith thedifficulthoistfrom theship.
- If thevictimsaretreatedwithoutdelay,theirsurvivability is high.
- Survivability isdefinedas thecapabilitytoprovidealevelofserviceinadverseorhostileconditions.
Life and living
- alive
- animate
- borrow
- cheat
- cheat deathidiom
- co-exist
- cradle
- hold
- immortal
- last out
- life cycle
- life expectancy
- life form
- life history
- pelagic
- raise
- raisesomeonefrom the deadidiom
- revenant
- social life
- subsist