disapprovinguk/ˈstʌf.i/us/ˈstʌf.i/stuffyadjective(WITHOUT AIR)
A stuffyroomorbuildingisunpleasantbecause it has nofreshair:
(房间或建筑物)闷的,通风不畅的a stuffyoffice空气污浊的办公室
It's reallyhotand stuffy in here - let'sopenthewindow.这里又热又闷——我们把窗户打开吧。
Thebedroomgets a little stuffy in thesummer.这个房间在夏天有点闷。
Hot & heat
- bake
- baking
- beat down
- boiling
- broiling
- fuggy
- glow
- heat haze
- heated
- heatwave
- oppressive
- piping hot
- red-hot
- scalding
- scorching
- sizzle
- swelter
- thermal
- ultra-hot
- white heat
old-fashioned,formal, andboring:
古板的,保守的,一本正经的SirWilliam had theabilitytoconductproceedingsin adignifiedmannerwithouteverbecomingstuffy.威廉爵士能够以庄重但毫不刻板的方式主持会议。
She istryingtopromotea less stuffyimageoflibrarians.他在努力提升图书管理员的形象,想使之显得不那么古板。
Tedious and uninspiring
- anonymous
- banal
- basic
- be (as) dull as ditchwateridiom
- bland
- lifelessness
- marginal
- marmoreal
- meh
- menial
- slow
- soul-destroying
- soulless
- spinach
- staid
- stale
- tame
- turgid
- well worn
- worthy
Ifyournoseis stuffy or you have a stuffynose,yournoseisblockedwithmucus, usually because you have acold.