(alsosupervirtuoso)uk/ˌsuː.pəˌvɜː.tʃuˈəʊ.səʊ/us/ˌsuː.pɚˌvɝː.tʃuˈoʊ.soʊ/apersonwho isextremelyskilledat something,especiallyatplayinganinstrumentorperforming:
The super-virtuosodelightedtheaudiencewith astirringrenditionof Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 3.
Havinggrowntiredof beingmerelyaguitarsupervirtuoso, she has inrecentyearsdelvedintoexperimentationwith newinstrumentsandunconventionaltechniques.
- The super-virtuoso from Russiaoptedtoplaytheconcertoon thebassetclarinet, as thecomposerhadintendedit to beperformed.
- There was aperformanceby Stephen Hough, thebrainysupervirtuoso fromBritain.
Experts and specialists
- academician
- artist
- authority
- boffin
- child prodigy
- doyen
- doyenne
- historiographer
- hotshot
- knowsomethinginside outidiom
- lapidary
- literati
- pundit
- pyrotechnician
- Renaissance man
- savant
- semiotician
- whizz
- wonder
- wunderkind
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