(alsosuperchurch,super church)uk/ˈsuː.pəˌtʃɜːtʃ/us/ˈsuː.pɚˌtʃɝːtʃ/anofficialChristianchurchwith a verylargenumberofmembers:
It is the fastest-growing super-church in thecountry.
There are severalreasonsfor thegrowthofsuperchurchesinmodernAmerica.
It is a superchurch with thousands ofmembers, inmultiplebuildings.
- Thepastorof a super-church cannotvisititsmembersregularly, because thechurchhas thousands ofmembers.
- Ourgoalis not tocreatea super-church.
- Manytraditionalchurchesfeelthreatenedby these superchurches.
- How shouldsmallerchurchesrespondin aneraofsuperchurches?
Religions & religious groups
- Abrahamic
- African Methodist Episcopal Church
- anti-Catholicism
- anti-Christianity
- established
- evangelicalism
- faith-based
- Free Church
- multi-religious
- neo-paganism
- non-established
- paganism
- Pentecostalism
- Sikhism
- Sufic
- Sufism
- Sunni
- Taoism
- the Episcopal Church