Men that have highlevelsof this super-badcholesterolare also athigherriskofheartdisease.
Thefilmisn't superbad, but it isn't supergood either.
- Ibelievethat thecountryis going to have arecession, but not a super-badrecession.
- Children wereaskedtoratethefoodson ascalefrom "super-good" to "super-bad".
- Participants were told tochoosethe "super-bad"faceif they'd had anunpleasantcustomerexperience.
- Itseemedas if all thebadideashad been put together into one superbadidea.
Informal words for bad
- badass
- bobbin
- bum
- crap
- crappy
- crash and burnidiom
- crook
- cruddy
- duff
- lousy
- not be up to muchidiom
- pappy
- piss-poor
- pisser
- shoddiness
- shoddy
- shonky
- such as it isidiom
- tackiness
- tacky