tocontinuetoliveorexist,especiallyafter comingclosetodyingor beingdestroyedor after being in adifficultorthreateningsituation:
继续生存,存活;(尤指)幸存Thebabywasbornwith aheartproblemand only survived for a fewhours.这个婴儿生下来就有心脏病,只活了几个小时。
Theseplantscannot survive in verycoldconditions.这些植物无法在非常寒冷的条件下生存。
None of Shakespeare'splayssurvives initsoriginalmanuscriptform.莎士比亚戏剧的手稿都没有保存下来。
Thefamilyarestrugglingto surviveonvery littlemoney.这家人在靠很少的钱艰难度日。
Thefrontpassengerswereluckyto survive theaccident.坐在前面的乘客幸免于难。
Thechairmanof theboardsucceededin surviving thechallengeto hisauthority.主席顶住了对他权威的挑战。
"How are you?" "Oh, (I'm) surviving(=lifeissatisfactory, but not very good)."“你好吗?”“哦,还过得去。”
tocontinuetoliveafter someone,especiallyamemberofyourfamily, hasdied:
比(尤指家人)活得长He is survived by hiswifeand fourchildren.他死时撇下了妻子和4个孩子。
- There's only afifty-fiftychancethat she'll survive theoperation.
- Friendless andjobless, hewonderedhow he would survive theyearahead.
- Fugitivefamilieswho havefledthefightingin thecitiesare nowtryingto survive in themountains.
- Alargeamountofmoneywill have to beinjectedinto thecompanyif it is to survive.
- Asmalldoghadsomehowmanagedto survive thefire.
Life and living
- alive
- animate
- borrow
- cheat
- cheat deathidiom
- co-exist
- cradle
- hold
- immortal
- last out
- life cycle
- life expectancy
- life form
- life history
- pelagic
- raise
- raisesomeonefrom the deadidiom
- revenant
- social life
- subsist
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Experiencing and suffering