uk/ˈsʊn.ə/us/ˈsʊn.ə/acollectionoftraditionalMuslimlawsbasedon theprophetMuhammad'slifeandactions, used with theKorantoguideMuslims:
(伊斯兰教的)逊奈,圣行Belief in the Sunna is afundamentaltenetofIslam.信仰圣行是伊斯兰教的基本教义。
- Sheblendssciencewith the Quran and the Sunna,teachingsbasedonaccountsof thelifeof theprophetMuhammad.
- Shariah isholylawbasedon thedivinelygrantedKoranand Sunna, the Prophet'straditions.
- AsMuslims, we aretaughtthrough the hadith of the Prophet and through his Sunna, which is the way helivedhislife.
- Themovementmaintainsthatlegaldecisionsmust bebasedexclusivelyon theKoranand the Sunna.
- TheKorancould besupplementedbyreferenceto the prophet'slife- his sunna, hispath.
- caliphate
- fatwa
- hadj
- hajj
- halal
- headscarf
- jihad
- jihadi
- Mecca
- minaret
- prayer mat
- purdah
- Ramadan
- salaam
- sharia
- Sunni
- the Koran
- the Qur'an
- veil
- yashmak