uk/ˌsuː.ɪ.saɪˈdɒl.ə.dʒi/us/ˌsuː.ɪ.saɪˈdɑː.lə.dʒi/thestudyof whypeoplekillthemselves and how this can beprevented:
自杀学He hasstudiedsuicidefordecadesandholdsaneducationalspecialistdegreein suicidology from the University of Minnesota.他研究自杀已有数十年,并拥有明尼苏达大学教育专业学位,主攻自杀学。
theIrishAssociationof Suicidology爱尔兰自杀学协会
- Responding to suchepisodes, the AmericanAssociationof Suicidology andsimilargroupsdevelopedsuggestedguidelinesformediacoverageofsuicides.
- Themethodologyused by Bagley and Tremblay isknownin thefieldof American suicidology.
- Thisbookrepresentsasignificantcontributionto thefieldof suicidology and is a way ofpromotingsuicideawareness, as it is abigpublichealthproblem.
Subjects & disciplines
- Afrocentrism
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- applied
- functional skills
- glaciology
- hard science
- historiography
- home economics
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- technically