suicide belt
uk/ˈsuː.ɪ.saɪd ˌbelt/us/ˈsuː.ɪ.saɪd ˌbelt/adevicelike abeltwornaround thewaistwith abomborbombsattachedto it, used tocauseanexplosionthat willkillthepersonwearingit as well as otherpeople:
(指系在腰上带有炸弹的)自杀腰带He haddetonatedhissuicidebeltinside acrowdedrestaurant,killinghimself and twenty otherpeople.他在一家拥挤的餐馆里引爆了自杀腰带,导致自己和另外二十人死亡。
Explosives in general
- bomb disposal
- bomb vest
- cordite
- dynamite
- explosive
- gelignite
- gunpowder
- high explosive
- nitroglycerine
- nuclear power
- payload
- Semtex
- shell
- suicide vest
- trinitrotoluene
- warhead
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Bombs & missiles