noun[Cusually singular]
(alsostraightjacket)uk/ˈstreɪtˌdʒæk.ɪt/us/ˈstreɪtˌdʒæk.ɪt/astrongpieceofspecialclothingthattiesthearmsto thebodyand is used forlimitingthemovementsofdangerousprisonersandmentallyillpatientswhosebehaviourisviolent:
(用于约束危险的罪犯和精神病人的)约束衣Brody waslockedin apaddedcellandforcedtoweara straitjacket.布罗迪被锁在软壁囚室里,被迫穿着约束衣。

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something thatseverelylimitsdevelopmentoractivityin a way that isdamaging:
束缚,桎梏Herefusedto befittedinto anyideologicalstraitjacket.他不愿受到任何意识形态的束缚。
Prisons & parts of prisons
- approved school
- Bastille
- boot camp
- borstal
- brig
- clink
- dungeon
- gaol
- gaoler
- halfway house
- nick
- open prison
- panopticon
- penal colony
- penitentiary
- straightjacket
- the gulag
- warden
- warder
- young offender institution
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Coats, jackets & cloaks
Science of psychology & psychoanalysis
Limiting and restricting