UKuk/ˈsteə.keɪ.sɪŋ/us/ˈster.keɪ.sɪŋ/thepracticeofgraduallybuyingmore of apropertyfrom apersonorcompanythat alsoownspartof theproperty:
分阶段购买房产产权,直至买下整个房产,阶梯式供款Staircasing is where those who are on asharedownershipmortgagehave theopportunitytopurchaseabiggershareoftheirpropertywhen they canaffordit.阶梯式供款令共享产权贷款置业者得以在有余钱时购入更多的产权股份。
- What is staircasing and how does itwork?
- Purchasers maybuyadditionalshareswheneverthey canaffordto do so; this isknownas "staircasing".
- Thissharecan then be "boughtback" by the first-timer - aprocesscalled staircasing - as and when they canmeettheextramortgage.
- Our Staircasing Calculator canhelpyouworkout if you have enoughequityinyourpropertyto get amortgagetobuyagreatershare.
Mortgages & real estate
- blockbusting
- brick
- bricks and mortaridiom
- buy-to-let
- chain
- equity
- first-time buyer
- householder
- letting
- planning blight
- real estate broker
- Realtor
- realty
- realty office
- refinance
- remortgage
- repo
- repossession
- reverse mortgage