ashort,thinpieceofwireused tofastensheetsofpapertogether. It hassharpendsthat arepushedthrough thepaperand thenbentflatby aspecialdevice.
Robert George Young/Photographer's Choice RF/GettyImages
a U-shapedpieceofmetalwithsharpendsthat isfixedinto asurfacetoholdsomething, such as awirefence, in aparticularposition
U 形钉(如 U 形电线卡)
Jill Ferry/Moment/GettyImages
Pins, clips, hooks & pegs
- alligator clip
- banana clip
- barb
- binder clip
- bodkin
- Bulldog Clip
- clip-on
- crocodile clip
- drawing pin
- fishhook
- hair claw
- hair slide
- hook
- needle
- peg
- pushpin
- safety pin
- thumbtack
- tiepin
- tuning peg
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Building materials
amainproductorpartof something:
Phosphate has been a stapleofthisareafor manyyears.磷酸盐多年来一直是这一地区的主要产品。
Romanticfictionandreferencebooksare a stapleofmanypubliclibraries.言情小说和工具书是很多公共图书馆的主要藏书。
Standard and routine
- average
- average Joe
- bog-standard
- conformance
- conformity
- conventionalized
- default
- given
- institutionalize
- mainline
- orthodox
- quotidian
- regularity
- regularization
- regularize
- routine
- set
- std
- stock
- the/your average bearidiom
adjective[before noun]
基本的,主要的;标准的,常规的The staplediethere ismutton,fishandboiledpotatoes.这里以羊肉、鱼和煮马铃薯为主食。
Prices of staplefoodssuch aswheatandvegetableshave also beenincreasing.小麦、蔬菜等主要食品的价格也一直在上涨。
Herlatestfilmis the stapleofferingofactionandcomedythat we have come toexpect.她的最新影片,如同我们所预料的一样,又是常规的动作加喜剧。
Standard and routine
- average
- average Joe
- bog-standard
- conformance
- conformity
- conventionalized
- default
- given
- institutionalize
- mainline
- orthodox
- quotidian
- regularity
- regularization
- regularize
- routine
- set
- std
- stock
- the/your average bearidiom
uk/ˈsteɪ.pəl/us/ˈsteɪ.pəl/tofastensomething using staples:
用钉书钉钉住Would youmindstapling thereportstogether?你能把报告用订书钉订好吗?
Office practices
- admin
- administrative
- administratively
- badge in
- badged
- branch
- dictate
- human resources
- hygiene factor
- in-house
- interoffice
- kaizen
- photocopy
- photostat
- power breakfast
- power lunch
- pp
- remittance
- scrum
- typing