uk/spiːtʃ/us/spiːtʃ/speechnoun(SAY WORDS)
theabilitytotalk, theactivityoftalking, or apieceofspokenlanguage:
说话能力;说话;谈话;言语Children usuallydevelopspeech in the secondyearoflife.儿童通常在两岁的时候开始说话。
People whosufferastrokemayexperiencealossof speech.中风患者可能会丧失说话能力。
the way apersontalks:
说话方式His speech wasslurredand Ithoughthe wasdrunk.他说话含混不清,我想他是喝醉了。
thelanguageused whentalking:
口语Someexpressionsare used moreinspeech than in writing.有些表达方式在口语中比书面语中用得多。
a set of wordsspokenin aplay:
(戏剧中的)台词Do youknowthe words to Hamlet'sfamousspeech at thebeginningofActIII?你知道第3幕开头哈姆雷特那段著名的台词具体怎么说吗?
- Shesuffersfrom a speechdefect.
- From herslow,deliberatespeech Iguessedshe must bedrunk.
- Freedomof speech andfreedomofthoughtwere bothdeniedunder thedictatorship.
- As achild, she had some speechproblems.
- We use theseaidstodevelopspeech insmallchildren.
Informal talking & conversation
- badinage
- banter
- bantering
- bants
- bloviate
- bull session
- buzz
- catch up withsomeone
- chinwag
- chit-chat
- discourse
- exchange
- gas
- heart-to-heart
- intercourse
- pass
- ultra-casual
- understand
- vox pop
- word-of-mouth
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Ways of speaking
speechnoun(FORMAL TALK)
aformaltalkgiven usually to alargenumberofpeopleon aspecialoccasion:
演说;发言;讲话I had togive/makea speech at my brother'swedding.我得在我弟弟的婚礼上致辞。
TheGovernorof New Yorkdeliveredarousingspeech to thenationalconvention.纽约州州长在全国代表大会上作了激动人心的发言。
He gave theafter-dinnerspeech(= atalkgiven after aformaleveningmealat which alargenumberofpeoplearepresent).他在晚宴后作了演说。
Did youhearheracceptancespeech at theOscarsceremony?你听了她在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上的获奖感言了吗?
See also
a talk
- talkShe will give a talk on keeping kids safe on the internet.
- lectureThe lecture is entitled "War and the Modern American Presidency".
- presentationWe were given a presentation of progress made to date.
- speechYou might have to make a speech when you accept the award.
- addressHe took the oath of office then delivered his inaugural address.
- orationIt was to become one of the most famous orations in American history.
- Her speech wasreceivedwithcheersand astandingovation.
- Sheclosedthemeetingwith ashortspeech.
- The vicar'sforgettinghislinesin themiddleof the speechprovidedsome goodcomedy.
- Her speechcausedoutrageamong thegaycommunity.
- Sheconcludedthe speech byremindingus ofourresponsibility.
Lecturing & addressing
- ad lib
- co-present
- discourse
- eunoia
- extemporize
- floor
- harangue
- hold
- jawbone
- lead
- lead off
- lightning talk
- monologue
- PechaKucha
- presentation
- sermon
- sermonize
- speak
- speechify
- valediction
Speech into writing
Both speech and writing can be formal or informal. Whether language is formal or informal depends on who our readers and listeners are, for what purpose we use the language and the situation in which we use it. For example, an official notice would be written in formal English, whereas the same information would be more commonly written informally by an individual in a less public situation:…