uk/ˈspeɪ.sər/us/ˈspeɪ.sɚ/spacernoun[C](FOR KEEPING THINGS APART)
adeviceused tokeeptwo thingsapart:
隔离物;衬垫,隔离片,衬套Press asquarespacer into thejointbetween theblocks.将一个正方形垫片压入两块之间的连接处。
Atoespacer is asmallcushionplacedbetween the first and secondtoesthathelpskeepbonesstraightso that thebunionwon't getworse.脚趾垫是放置在大拇趾和第二个脚趾之间的一个小垫片,可以帮助骨骼保持平直,防止拇囊炎恶化。
- Discs areflexiblespacers between thebonyvertebraeof thespine.
- They wereplayingagamewith theplasticspacers used inpizzadeliveryboxes.
- Themechanicwhoremovedtheclipsreportedthat no spacers had beeninstalled.
Tools in general
- aid
- ambidextrous
- blade
- blaster
- contrivance
- cutter
- device
- fan
- gadget
- grabber
- hardware
- machine tool
- power tool
- precision instrument
- ratchet
- spreader
- stuffer
- toolkit
- utensil
- utility belt
alargeemptytubethatattachesto aninhaler(= asmalldeviceforbreathinginmedicines)andhelpsthemedicinegostraighttoyourlungs:
(连在气雾剂吸入器上的)储雾罐Breathe in and out from the spacer for four breaths in arow.连续四次对着储雾罐吸气并呼气。
For some, anasthmaspacer can be used inconjunctionwiththeirprescribedinhaler.对于一些人来说,哮喘储雾罐可以和医生开给他们的吸入器一起使用。

- Press theinhalerso that themedicationspraysinto the spacer.
- Equipment used totreatchildhoodasthmaincludesinhalerspacers, nebulizers andpeakflowmeters.
- Medication issprayedinto the spacer and thechildbreathesit into his or herlungsin five or six breaths.
Medical dressings, supports & devices
- anti-shock
- auditory brainstem implant
- bind
- binder
- biomaterial
- biventricular pacemaker
- brace
- cotton wool
- Elastoplast
- in a castphrase
- induction loop
- kinesiology tape
- liposome
- medicine ball
- obturator
- plaster of Paris
- poultice
- sling
- wheelchair
- Zimmer frame