uk/ˈsaʊnd.pruːf/us/ˈsaʊnd.pruːf/(alsosoundproofed)(of abuildingorpartof abuilding) notallowingsoundto go through:
隔音的a soundproofroom/wall/studio隔音房间/墙/演播室
Thehotelisfullysoundproofed so getting a good night'ssleepin such abusyareaiseasy.
- In aseriesof soundproofbooths, theysithunchedovertelephones.
- Do we need toalterthedoorshere to make theroomsoundproof?
- In asmallsoundproofedstudio, aninstructoristeachingagroupofwould-berappershow tooperatedigitalrecordingequipment.
Sound & its properties
- acoustic
- acoustically
- anechoic
- aurally
- decibel
- diapason
- echo
- echo chamber
- high def
- high definition
- monaural
- monaurally
- mono
- quadraphonic
- reverberate
- silken
- sonic
- sonority
- thunder
- trill
uk/ˈsaʊnd.pruːf/us/ˈsaʊnd.pruːf/topreventsoundfrom coming into aroomorbuilding, or from beingheardoutsideit:
Millions ofpoundshave already have beenspentto soundproofhomesandschoolsaround theairport.
It was a well soundproofedbuilding, so we didn'thearthetrafficoutside.
- Paul soundproofed hisgarageandbeganrecordingmusicthere.
- Theroomwas soundproofed so the only thing thatkeptmeawakewas thesnoringof myson.
- Iwonderedwhether it might bepossibleto do something to soundproof thedoor.
Sound & its properties
- acoustic
- acoustically
- anechoic
- aurally
- decibel
- diapason
- echo
- echo chamber
- high def
- high definition
- monaural
- monaurally
- mono
- quadraphonic
- reverberate
- silken
- sonic
- sonority
- thunder
- trill