old-fashionedorliteraryuk/ˈtjuː.mɪd/us/ˈtuː.mɪd/(of apartof thebody)swollen, andlargerinsizethannormal:
肿胀的,肿大的He hadcoarsefeatures, abluntnose, and tumid andprotrudedlips.他五官粗糙,鼻子扁钝,嘴唇肿胀突出。
- Bigheads, tumidabdomens,flaccidskins,bulgedjoints, andpinchedchestsare allsignsof malnourishment ininfants.
- It is said that agentlewomanhaving aswelledtumidhand, put herfingerinto a cat'sear, and within twohourswasdeliveredof herpain.
- Henotedthe children's "puffy, tumidflesh".
- In theadvertisement, sheholdstwolargelight-bulbs in onehand,theirtumidshapesgentlyechoingtheswellof herbreasts.
Swellings & lumps
- acoustic neuroma
- adenoma hyperplastic nodules
- angioma
- angrily
- anti-tumour
- excrescence
- fibroid
- goitre
- granuloma
- haematoma
- inflame
- inflammatory
- leiomyoma
- lump
- protuberance
- puffy
- swelling
- swollen
- tumescent
- wen