uk/ˈsnəʊ.məˌbiː.lɪŋ/us/ˈsnoʊ.məˌbiː.lɪŋ/theactivityofdrivingasnowmobile(= asmallmotorvehiclefortravellingonsnowandice):
Snowmobiling hasevolvedfrom afunrecreationalactivityto abigbusiness.
There are plenty oftrailswhere you cangosnowmobiling.
Wintersportssuch as snowmobiling arebiginforestareasin thenorth.
- Asmallarearemainsopenfor snowmobiling.
- Theywantsnowmobilingeliminatedor at leastreducedin thepark.
- There areplaceswhere snowmobiling andhuntingwould be OK.
- Snowmobiling isstrictlyprohibitedinside theboundariesof Lassen VolcanicNationalPark.
- There areinherentdangersin snowmobling, as with any othersport, but thevastnumberofpeopleridesafelyandresponsibly.
Winter sports
- airboard
- airboarder
- airboarding
- Alpine skiing
- après-ski
- biathlon
- grooming machine
- ice rink
- ice skater
- ice skating
- luge
- mush
- skating rink
- skier
- skiing
- slalom
- sledge
- sleigh
- snow groomer
- snowblade