sit onsomething
phrasal verbwithsitverbuk/sɪt/us/sɪt/present participlesitting|past tense and past participlesat
todelaytakingactionabout something:
Thecompanyhas beensittingon myletterforweekswithoutdealingwith mycomplaint.
Delaying and wasting time
- ado
- busywork
- buy timeidiom
- carry
- carrysomethingover
- dally
- inefficiency
- inefficiently
- kick
- kicksomethinginto the long grassidiom
- kick the can down the roadidiom
- push
- retard
- retardation
- setsomeoneback(something)
- shelve
- sit
- slow roll
- spin
- stall
Thecitycouncilwillpresumablysiton thereportuntil after theelection.
Secrecy and privacy
- anonymity
- anonymization
- anonymize
- anonymous
- anonymously
- cryptography
- data protection
- dead men tell no talesidiom
- dissimulate
- dissimulation
- privacy settings
- private
- privately
- privileged
- pseudonym
- undisclosed
- whitewash
- whitewashing
- wrap
- wrapped (up) in secrecyidiom