lookingor beingalmost, but notexactly, the same:
相似的,近似的Myfatherand I have similarviewsonpolitics.我和父亲在政治上观点相似。
Iboughtsome newshoeswhich are very similartoapairI had before.我买了一双新鞋,和我以前的一双非常相似。
Paul is very similarinappearancetohisbrother.保罗和他哥哥长得很像。
looking or being almost but not exactly the same
- similarI have a sofa quite similar to yours.
- likeShe's a lot like her mother.
- alikeThe girls look alike.
- closeMy cousin and I are quite close in age.
- something likeI was worried something like this would happen.
- The twosistersare so similar that it'salmostimpossibletotellone from the other.
- We come from similarbackgrounds, so wespeakthe samelanguage.
- People oftenmixus up because welookso similar.
- Thisfabricis similar towool, onlycheaper.
- Insurancecompaniesare alreadyoverburdenedwith similarclaims.
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- snap
- swing
Same, similar, identical
Same means that two or more things are exactly like one another. We can use same as an adjective before a noun or as a pronoun. When we use same to compare people or things, we must use it with the:…