howlargeorsmallsomething or someone is:
尺寸;大小;规模We areconcernedabout the size ofourdebt.我们为自己的巨额债务担忧。
Somekindsoftreesgrowto ahugesize.有些树长得很高大。
What is the size of thatwindow?那扇窗户尺寸有多大?
Thefieldwas about tenacresinsize.这块地的面积约有10英亩。
He had alumpon hisheadthe sizeof(= the same size as)anegg.他头上有一个鸡蛋大小的包。
Thebabyisa goodsize(=quitelarge).这婴儿长得可真大。
I wasamazedat the size oftheirkitchen(= it was verybig).他们家厨房的面积之大令我吃惊。
- Reducing the size ofclassesmayimproveeducationalstandards.
- Thefruitiswashedand thengradedby size.
- We werehorrifiedat the size of thebill.
- Myfootswelledup to threetimesthenormalsize when it wasstungby awasp.
- He'stwiceher size.
General words for size and amount
- -sized
- amount
- bulk
- content
- element
- extent
- footprint
- good things come in small packagesidiom
- level
- load
- lot
- measure
- much
- order
- percent
- quota
- ration
- small-scale
- so muchidiom
- strength
one of thestandardmeasuresaccordingto whichgoodsare made orsold:
尺码,号a size 14dress14号的裙子
Do theseshoescome(= are they made)inchildren's sizes?这些鞋有儿童码的吗?
What size are you?/What isyoursize?/What size do youtake?你穿几号的?
Would you like totrythecoat(on) forsize(=seehow well itfitsyou),sir?您想试试这件外套大小合适吗,先生?
We'll need to get thecarpetcuttosize(=cutso that itfits).我们需要把那块地毯裁剪得大小正合适。
- Could Itrytheseshoesin abiggersize?
- I take a size five inshoes.
- What sizeshoesdo you take?
- I couldn'tfindanything in theshopin mybustsize.
- Thisjacketis abittight- do you have it in alargersize?
Measurements in general
- bathymetric
- bathymetry
- be running atsomethingidiom
- calibrate
- calibration
- drop
- elevation
- factor
- full-scale
- kilo
- knee-deep
- lengthways
- longways
- metric
- metrication
- micro
- milli-
- proportion
- scale
- setting
asubstancelikegluethat givesstiffnessand a hard,shinysurfacetocloth,paper, etc.
(使衣服、纸张等坚挺的)浆料,胶料Glues, gluing & stickiness
- adhere
- adherent
- adhesion
- adhesive
- binder
- Blu-Tack
- gloop
- gloopy
- glue
- glue gun
- glue stick
- gum
- gummy
- plaster
- propanone
- putty
- Scotch tape
- sliminess
- slimy
- tacky
that's about the size of it
uk/saɪz/us/saɪz/tocoverortreatcloth,paper, etc. with size
给(衣服、纸张等)上浆,给…涂胶Covering and adding layers
- additive
- asphalt
- bestrew
- bind
- blanket
- blindfold
- gilt
- gum
- gumsomethingup
- inlaid
- lag
- laminate
- layer
- retile
- retread
- seasoned
- slapsomethingon
- smothersomethingin/withsomething
- tent
- wax
Phrasal verb