politicsspecializeduk/ˈsek.ən.dər/us/ˈsek.ən.dɚ/someone who makes aformalstatementofsupportfor asuggestionmade by someoneelseduring ameeting, so that there can be adiscussionorvote:
(会议中对提名、动议等的)附议者,赞成者There was no seconder for themotionso it could not bedebated.该议案没有附议者,因此无法进行辩论。
- Hisproposalfailedtofinda seconder.
- We have amotionproposedby Mr Connon. Is there a seconder?
- Thenamesof theproposerand seconder will not bepublishedand willremainconfidentialto thescrutineers.
- Onlycorporatemembersmayparticipateinelections, either ascandidate,proposer, seconder orvoter.
- All thecandidateshad to benominatedwithproposersand seconders and they all haveelectionagents.
Supporters, members & defenders
- allyship
- anti-evolution
- anti-evolutionary
- anti-evolutionist
- apologist
- apostle
- booster
- cadre
- defender
- disciple
- new/fresh bloodidiom
- partisan
- patroness
- protagonist
- recruit
- sidekick
- sympathizer
- upholder
- votary
- well-wisher