break withsomething
phrasal verbwithbreakverbuk/breɪk/us/breɪk/broke|broken
tointentionallynotcontinuedoing something that isnormal,expected, ortraditional:
Wedecidedtobreakwithtraditionand notspendChristmaswithourfamily.
The country'sleadershipisdeterminedtobreakwith pastpracticesand tosolveurgenteconomicproblems.
Stop having or doing something
- abdicate
- abdication
- bail out
- bandh
- butt out
- catchyourbreathphrase
- forgo
- forsake
- forswear
- ghost
- givesomethingup as a bad jobidiom
- give up
- give up the ghostidiom
- lose
- relinquishment
- self-denying
- self-sacrifice
- self-sacrificing
- step
- throw