释义 |
1 ?换文 ...外交通商部有关负责人21日表示,在争取年内达成协议的目标下,目前同中方就关于青少年修学旅游团免签的换文(Exchange of Notes)内容进行磋商。 2 ?见换文 ... [in another word] 调换一句话说 [metonymy] 一种修辞手段,用一个事物的名称去指与它有关联的另一个事物 [exchange of notes] 见换文 ...
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The two sides signed the exchange of notes on granting zero-tariff treatment to the exports of some Afghan goods to China, covering more than 4,000 taxable items. 中阿双方签署了中方给予阿富汗部分输华商品零关税待遇换文,涵盖4000多个税目。 - 2
The exchange of notes and cassettes was so normal and familiar, and Hanna was both close and removed in such an easy way, that I could have continued the situation indefinitely. 接收便条,寄送磁带,是很正常的事,以这样轻松的方式保持联系,汉娜之于我,既像是远在天边,又像是近在眼前,我本来还是可以无限期地继续这一情形的。 - 3
If you have foreign currency notes, bills of exchange and checks, you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount. 如您持有外币本票、汇票及支票等,可委托银行的营业网点办理托收或贴现。