释义 |
多余的点 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?起赔点 ... 起赔式自负额 deductible, franchise; franchise deductible 起赔点 attachment point; excess point 逆仲介 disintermediation ...
- 1
For example, if the growth in excess credit is more than 5% it scores 2 points, 0-5% 1 point, and below 0% nil. 举例来说,如果超额信贷的增长率超过5%,它得2分;增长率在0-5%之间,得1分;增长率为负,得0分。 - 2
Vikram Pandit, Citi's boss, recently told investors that “nobody wants to talk about excess capital,” but “at some point down the road we're going to have to figure out what to do with” it. 花旗的老板维克拉姆?潘迪特(Vikram Pandit)最近告诉投资者说:“没人想谈论过剩资本,”但“我们终究得弄清楚怎样处理”过剩资本。 - 3
The deposit rate it pays to Banks on their excess cash is one percentage point below its policy rate, and provides a floor for overnight interest rates. 欧洲央行提供给商业银行的存款利率低于其政策利率1个百分点,并提供了一个隔夜利率的最低额。