释义 |
1 ?东欧时间 最好使用当地名称,如赫尔辛基,来谈论 当地时间而不要用东欧时间(East European time)。因为不是所有的东欧国家都遵循同样的规律的。
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A - the United States has already reacted very coolly to the news, but neither it, nor the European Union, will want to shut the door on the Palestinians at a time of Middle East tumult. 美国方面对这项消息的反应冷淡,但美国和欧盟都不希望在中东地区陷入骚乱的当下,对巴勒斯坦人关上大门。 - 2
The product are export to American, Canada, Australia, Japan, Middle-East, and West-European. And we are diligent all the time, offering the best products to the customer. 产品广泛应用于家具行业、超市、 工厂、医疗器械、仓储物流、 工程建设等领域。主要销往美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本东南亚地区及西欧各国。 - 3
During the recent time, the European powers, disintegrated the Ottoman Empire and ruled the Semitic World and other states of the Near East. 近现代欧洲文明又一次后来居上,为了争夺霸权发动了世界大战。