

单词 eastern connecticut state university
eastern connecticut state university
  • 简明释义
  • 东康涅狄格州立大学
  • 网络释义
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    ...探索研究中心(Mystic Aquarium and Institute for Exploration)、东康涅狄格州立大学Eastern Connecticut State University)和康涅狄格学院(Connecticut..

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    东康乃狄克州立大学(Eastern Connecticut State University)申请条件,美国东康乃狄克州立大学留学申请条件...

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    2009年6月5日,来自美国东康乃狄格大学(Eastern Connecticut State University)的刘卫平教授与6位MBA同学来我所交流访问。

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    二、美中教育合作 项目简介: 东康州大学介绍: 东康州大学(Eastern Connecticut State University)位于美国新英格兰地 区的康涅狄格州,建立于一八八九年,是一所有着将近一百二十年历史的老牌大 学。

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    Soto grew up in Stratford, Connecticut and graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University.

    BBC: Paul Simon plays at teacher's funeral

  • 2.

    Muchnick played on the football and lacrosse teams at Staples High School and went on to play lacrosse at Eastern Connecticut State University, where he studied business.

    NPR: Marines Killed In Training Were Young, Lives Ahead

  • 3.

    "It's almost unimaginable, the boom that has occurred in these Eastern cities, " says Emil Pocock, a professor at Eastern Connecticut State University, whose American Studies department has documented the sizes and amenities of the world's largest malls.

    FORBES: They're springing up in Asia, but will they all last?





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