法马 古斯塔 (Famagusta):位于 586 × 390 - 362k - jpg
QINGDAO(青岛)-FAMAGUSTA(阿莫霍斯托斯(马古斯塔)) 装货港: QINGDAO
阿诺索西斯足球俱乐部 ; 阿诺索西斯 ; 安罗科萨斯 ; 足球俱乐部
法马古斯特门 ; 法马古斯塔门
安罗科萨斯 ; 阿诺索西斯
Janet and Alan, a British couple in their 60s, live in the Famagusta region.
BBC: UK pensioners 'struggling' to cope in Cyprus
Police spokesman George Economou said the soldier had been pronounced dead on arrival at Famagusta General Hospital in Paralimni.
BBC: Cyprus soldier death accused appear in court
Famagusta is a team made up of experienced foreign professionals who find themselves in the twilight of their football careers.
BBC: Temuri Ketsbaia