释义 |
1 ?假迹象 ... 假蛇丘 false esker 假迹象 false event 假铁帽 false gossan ...
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Initially, Chris reported very little about the false event, but over a two week period, he constructed a detailed memory of it. 最初,关于这件子虚乌有的事情,克里斯说不出来太多东西,但在两周以后,他的回忆记录越来越翔实。 - 2
Two signals is just too few to be confident of, they said, because their calculations predicted about one false event from background. 研究人员说,要确信是暗物质,两个信号还是太少了,因为经过计算得知其中的一个信号事件来自于背景噪声 。 - 3
This has yielded some practical plans, such as notifying police and fire stations about local garage labs, to avoid unpleasant surprises or false alarms in the event of an emergency. 这已经产生了一些切实可行的计划,如通知当地警察和消防站当地车库实验室的情况,以避免在紧急情况下的不愉快意外或假警报。