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萨奇萨奇 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The firm began with his purchase of a shell company, Wire and Plastic Products, with money borrowed against shares in Saatchi &Saatchi, the advertising agency where he was finance director. 这家公司始于他用抵押了他当时任职财务总管的广告代理商萨奇广告公司得来的钱购买的一家做电线和塑料制品的壳公司。 - 2
Also, companies like WPP and Publicis Groupe, which owns Saatchi & Saatchi, have been expanding their capabilities in digital marketing and other areas outside traditional advertising. 并且,像WPP和拥有Saatchi &Saatchi的阳狮集团这样的公司已经在拓展它们在数字营销和传统广告之外其他领域的能力。 - 3
Often mistaken for a mere public-relations specialist (he once worked for Saatchi &Saatchi, an advertising firm), he in fact has huge power over Tory policy and philosophy too. 人们经常把他误认为成仅仅是一个公关活动专家(他曾经为一家名叫Saatchi &Saatchi的广告公司工作),事实上他在托利党的政策和哲学方面也有非常大的权利。