释义 |
- 1
And his companions followed him, for he was fair, and fleet of foot, and could dance, and pipe, and make music. 小伙伴们倒是都愿意跟着他,因为他很漂亮,手脚又敏捷,而且会跳舞,会玩乐器,还会创作音乐。 - 2
For all his sometimes plodding approach at home, Mr Wagoner had proved surprisingly fleet of foot abroad, where GM was making 65% of its sales (see chart 1). 相对于其在国内间或沉闷的方式,瓦格纳先生令人惊讶地证明了其海外扩张的步伐,在那儿,通用的销售份额占其整个销售额的65%(如表1所示)。 - 3
When it comes to locomotion, elephants are not exactly fleet of foot. And they seem to hold their legs straighter than other animals do, at least when they walk. 说到行动的话,大象走起路来腿伸得要比其他动物直,并不敏捷。