释义 |
1 ?棕榈湾 继续往南开车半小时左右,就到凯恩斯附近的棕榈湾(Palm Bay),景观与四英里沙滩相似,也是热带风情的椰子树沙滩,不过沙滩干净很多。这里不知为何风极大。 2 ?棕榈湾市 ...vier Carter)身份:美国男子短跑运动员出生时间:1985年12月8日出生地点:佛罗里达州布雷瓦德县(Brevard County)棕榈湾市(Palm Bay)现定居地:路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日市身高:1.9米体重:77公斤绰号:X-Man(因为他在2.. 3 ?城市 ... 地址: 1068 Weschester Rd SE 城市: Palm Bay 所属州: FL ...
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Piles of dead velvet swimming crabs have been washing ashore along England's Thanet Coast (shown here, Palm Bay). 成堆的死梭子蟹沿着英格兰的萨尼特海岸被冲刷到了岸上(图示为棕榈湾(Palm Bay))。 - 2
After your lifetime-achievement award, do you feel more secure in the business than you did in, say, 1977? -marie Craddock, Palm Bay, fl. 您获得了终身成就奖之后,你认为在娱乐业中比之前更有感觉吗? - 3
The father of a woman who had been murdered in Palm Bay, Fla., did that to me once, in the waiting room of the local hospital. Grabbed me and threw me into the door, shouting in my face. 在福罗里达州的Palmbay,一个女儿被谋杀的父亲就曾经在医院的候诊室对我这样。