释义 |
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I suppose after putting your faith and trust into the worldwide web community for so long, you learn to let go. 我想,这是因为长久以来,他一向信赖全球网络社区,并且充满了信心,不会让这点琐事分神。 - 2
You can think of your family, friends, business partners, and community - the faith that they've placed in you, and the love and support that they offer. 你可以想一想你的家人、朋友、生意伙伴和团体——他们对你的信任,他们给予你的爱和支持。 - 3
That man is John Kerry. John Kerry understands the ideals of community, faith, and sacrifice, because they've defined his life. 他就是约翰?凯利, 他深刻地领悟了社区、信念和献身精神这些崇高的理想,因为这些铸就了他生命的全部。