释义 |
1 ?袜套 : 中文名称: 袜套 中文别名: 英文名称: Foot cover 英文别名: 中文名称: 机尾,车尾 中文别名: 英文名称: Foot end(=out end) 英文别名: 中文名称: 鞋,鞋袜,脚上穿的东西 2 ?脚 ... 暖手筒 Hand wa.. 脚 套 Foot cover 围巾\脖 The sc.. ... 3 ?网纹船袜 日本制ATSUGI RELISH黑色蝴蝶结网纹船袜(FOOT COVER),袜子,淘宝导购,淘宝客,淘宝网店铺,淘宝网服饰,淘宝网美容,淘宝网鞋包,淘宝网数码... 4 ?隐形袜套 ... 袜子袜套 Socks 隐形袜套 foot cover 护腿袜套 SUPER SOX ...
- 1
Peering through the porthole stationed on the port (left) side of the sub, it appears to Sinton that the 350-foot-high seamount is covered in pillow lavas with very little sediment cover. 辛顿透过潜艇舱门左侧的舷窗望出去,发现这座350英尺高的海山上覆盖着枕状熔岩和极少的沉积物。 - 2
It's easy to cover Copenhagen on foot (if you don't want to rent a bike). - 3
The cover shot of the redwood trunk shooting through the yellow border is only part of the 300-foot-tall, 1, 500-year-old titan. 封面上突出黄色边框的红杉树主体仅仅是庞然大物的一部分,这棵树高300英尺,约有1500年历史了。