释义 |
1 ?最小号子弹 ... 子弹 cartridge; bullet; ammunitio ... 最小号子弹 dust shot 号子 a work song sung to synchronize movements, with one person leading ...
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I still remember how he fell when the Americans shot him, and I saw him clawing on the ground in the dust before his soul left his body. 我还记得他被美国人射中后是如何倒地的,我看到他在灵魂离开躯体之前,在地上的尘土中抓来抓去的样子。 - 2
To peen sandblasting, Shot Blast Cleaning, green dust three series over 100 varieties - oriented products. 以喷丸喷砂、 抛丸清理、 环保除尘三大系列100多个品种为主导产品。 - 3
Before shop primer is applied, dust, sand residue, crushed steel shot or grit and all other contaminants must be removed from the surface using a vacuum cleaner, air blower, etc. 当车间底漆涂装之前,应用真空清洁器、鼓风装置除去表面的灰尘、残砂、碎钢粒以及其他污染物。