案中其中一位受害人、来自卑诗省恩德比镇(Enderby)的69岁女子诺普(Carole Knopp),28日在卡城法院门外表示,她对裁决感到有点失望,因为她原本期望两人会被判监禁最少14年。
The land proposed for development is off Beggars Lane and borders Leicester Forest East, Enderby and Braunstone Town.
BBC: Lubbesthorpe housing plan consultation is extended
Mr Quinlan said police raided traveller sites in Staverton, Enderby in Leicestershire and Mansfield in Nottinghamshire on 22 March 2011.
BBC: Caravan park in Staverton
The business' address was listed in Enderby, Leicestershire, although the owner of the office block said it had never been there.
BBC: Danyal Buckharee admits duping hundreds of drivers