...成像Magnetic Resona fanton the grounds thduring theticce Imdeveloping,MRI),这个MRI得奖的一小我叫做劳特伯(Lauterbur),怎样使用网络加速器。他跟我在Stony Brook(纽约大学石溪分校)是同事。
劳特布尔(Lauterbur)发现核 磁共振成像技术(MRI),之后研究越来越深入,应用越来 越广泛,至今核磁共振成像技术已能以活人为观察对象,扫 描身体中任...
劳特伯 ; 保罗·劳特布尔
The third physics-prize winner is Anthony Leggett, a colleague of Dr Lauterbur's at the University of Illinois.
ECONOMIST: The Nobel prizes
There was always something serendipitous, even wild, about Paul Lauterbur's approach to science.
ECONOMIST: Paul Lauterbur, father of MRI, died on March 27th, aged 77
Never mind that this technique, in 2003, was to win Mr Lauterbur a joint share in the Nobel prize for medicine.
ECONOMIST: Paul Lauterbur | The