...加拿大伯尔克斯珠宝(BIRKS)首家专卖店将登录北京 来源: 关键字: 伯尔克斯的中国首家专卖店将于北京CBD新落成的禧瑞汇购物中心揭幕。
... 名字: Birks 姓: Virginia 标签: Virginia Birks ...
... 杯子蛋糕: One Particular Kitchen 戒指: Birks 婚纱: Lazaro ...
Hopefully The Birks can bring a little magic to Aberfeldy and the whole of Highland Perthshire.
BBC: Aberfeldy's Birks Cinema appoints general manager
But as John Birks Gillespie proved two generations ago, American jazz and "cultural outreach" can go a long way, too.
NPR: Dizzy Gillespie's Cold War Jazz Diplomacy
Paul Foley will be responsible for running the Birks Cinema in Aberfeldy once work to completely refurbish the building is finished.