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帝国, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Compared to the Eastern Empire, the Western Empire had many disadvantages, including more foreign enemies and fewer material and human resources. 与东罗马帝国相比,西罗马帝国有很多劣势,包括外敌更多、物质资源和人力资源更少。 - 2
Perhaps, given Moscow's deep-seated love of empire, the effort would have been futile. 考虑到莫斯科对帝国根深蒂固的热爱,或许这些努力都会是徒劳一场。 - 3
The Russian empire, the state of Muscovy had already expanded greatly, but it's really Peter the great, it's the big guy who expanded Russia, its territorial size enormously. 沙俄帝国在此之前已有大幅扩张,但是,是彼得大帝,是这个大家伙扩张了俄国领土,他统治下的沙俄幅员辽阔。