释义 |
1 ?面料 : 中文名称: (粘合布)面料 中文别名: 英文名称: Face fabric 英文别名: 中文名称: 布面纬纱,表纬 中文别名: 英文名称: Face filling(=face weft) 英文别名: 中文名称: 绒面整 2 ?哑光薄透粉底液 【北京专柜货全线7.5折代购】Armani/阿玛尼/哑光薄透粉底液(face fabric)40ml spf12 40ml(带中文标,CIQ) 3 ?懒人粉底 Armani 隐逸懒人粉底 (face fabric)年少皮肤偏油时候很喜欢用的一支,但是遮瑕很一般(那时候又油又烂脸),凝胶质地,上妆超速度,以前上课时候丢包里在出租车上化妆..
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In addition, the face fabric is simply manufactured. - 2
Wide range on upmarket products such as jacquard, pleated taffeta, washed wool and double face fabric. 各种高档产品,包括提花布、褶裥塔夫绸、洗净毛及双面织物。 - 3
The utility model has the advantages of flat clot cover of the face fabric, even cloth cover dyeing, low production cost and even electric conduction. 本实用新型具有面料布面平整、布面染色均匀、生产成本低和导电均匀的优点。