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忍无可忍 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
"This may not be the last straw against Luzhkov, but it is certainly another one," says an insider. 内情人士称,“也许这并非干掉卢日科夫的最后一击,但也是致命一击。” - 2
“This may not be the last straw against Luzhkov, but it is certainly another one, ” says an insider. 内情人士称,“也许这并非干掉卢日科夫的最后一击,但也是致命一击。” - 3
After several personal setbacks, "this Bear Stearns thing happened to be the last straw that broke his spirit," Mr. Philippi said in an interview. 在经历了一些个人挫折之后,“贝尔斯登这档子事正好成了打破他信念的最后一根稻草,”Philippi先生在访谈中说道。