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约翰·多恩 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
“No man is an island,” the 17th-century English poet, satirist, lawyer and priest John Donne once said. 17世纪的英国诗人、讽刺作家、律师和牧师约翰?多恩曾说过:没人是一座孤岛。 - 2
Well, the poem is, as John Donne puts it, a little world made cunningly. 就像多恩说的那样,每首诗都是一个精心制造的小世界。 - 3
Anthologies of classic love poems, love songs and letters, and poems on friendship-include works by writers that range from John Donne to John Updike. 这套四本书的书集包括经典爱情诗集、情歌集、情书集和友谊诗集,出自约翰·多恩和约翰·厄普代克等作家之手。