释义 |
1 ?港口申报 ... 甲板水封 deck water seal 货物载重吨申报 declaration of dead weight tonnage of cargo 港口申报 declaration of port ...
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In addition, the type of the attribute "port" is taken from the domain operating system (OS), which requires the additional namespace "OS" and the XSD import declaration. 另外,属性“Port”的类型来自域操作系统(os),它需要更多的名字域“os”以及XSD导入声明。 - 2
Captain: Firstly, last port clearance, record of PSC inspection, imported cargo manifest, declaration of personal articles, oh, could you check all certificates? 船长:首先,上一港结关手续,PS C检查记录,进口货清单,个人物品申报单,噢,你能检查一下证书吗? - 3
C. Upon the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, handling the customs clearance formalities, including but not limited to CIQ inspection commodity inspection and customs declaration. 货物到达目的地后,代理商完全负责执行通关过程中的一切必要事项,包括但不限于商检,报关,报检程序。