释义 |
- v.使贫穷,使赤贫:使某人或某事物陷入贫困或赤贫的状态。
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历史学 乞丐 Consequently, number of peasants, for no proper jobs to take up, formed an under-social group of army ruffian, bandit, prostitute, beggar, fortune-teller, and etc. 因此,即使离村农民不嫌弃工作的种类,仍有相当一部分人找不到正当的谋生途径,只好以士兵、匪盗、乞丐、娼妓、卜筮星算等次生社会群暂时存身。
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Summits sometimes dissuade leaders from beggaring their neighbours, since the neighbours' complaints may have to be faced in person. 高层面对面的会谈通常会阻止(dissuade from)一些领导人使其邻邦陷入贫苦(注意:beggaring是“使陷入贫困”,而不是begging,乞求),因为他们必须亲自面对(in person)自邻国的抱怨。 - 2
Would any honourable man have drawn up a deed of that kind without letting me know first?Well, it was to prevent you beggaring yourself for the benefit of some loose woman that brought me to Paris. 一个上流社会有教养的人能不通知我就办这样一件事吗?好吧,我就是为了不让您因一个姑娘而做败家子才到巴黎来的。