释义 |
消磨时间 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?衰减时间 ... the spring festival is only a week away 离春节只有一周了 die away time 衰减时间 die-away time 衰减期; 衰减时间 ...
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No wonder many of today's philanthropists aim, as Carnegie did, to give away all their money by the time they die, or at least put a time limit on the lifespan of their foundation after their death. 难怪今天很多慈善家像卡耐基那样立志在离开人世前散尽家财,或者至少为他们死后其基金会的寿命画上一个时间界限。 - 2
As time goes by, flowers come out and pass away, birds sing and die, and human being's simple motions change a lot, but my dreams from one to another last again and again. 随着时光的流逝,花开花谢,鸟儿唱歌然后死去,人类由简单的行为而改变很多。但是我的梦想从一个到另一个持续着一次又一次。 - 3
Matter begins to convert into energy, space field vanishes first, And time field will die away in the black holes formed after the collapse. 物质又开始转变为能量。空间场首先消失,最后时间场消失在我们这个宇宙坍塌后所形成的黑洞里。