释义 |
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The career and love are like fish and bear's paw, often can not have both, although to do what they want, love to love, is the life most happy two things, but really they can also choose? 事业和爱情犹如鱼和熊掌,往往都不能兼得,尽管做想做的事,爱想爱的人,是人生最幸福的两件事,但真的两者可以同时选择吗? - 2
Fish is my favorite, the bear's paw is my favorite, if these two things can not simultaneously have been the case, then I had to give up the fish and bear's paw has selected. 鱼是我所喜爱的,熊掌也是我所喜爱的,如果这两种东西不能同时都得到的话,那么我就只好放弃鱼而选取熊掌了。 - 3
Despite the Everbright Securities, China Merchants Securities have been successful this year will be, a shares of the "bear's paw" or halted so that the IPO. 尽管光大证券、招商证券均已在今年顺利过会,A股的“熊掌”还是使IPO戛然而止。