释义 |
1 ?卫生洁具 bathroom fixture 卫生洁具; 浴室装置.. 2 ?浴室附属装置 ... electric fixtures电气装置 bathroom fixture浴室附属装置 football fixture足球项目 ... 3 ?浴室装置 ... assembly fixture 装配夹具; 装配架; 装配设备 bathroom fixture 卫生洁具; 浴室装置 bending fixture 弯曲夹具; 折弯模具 ...
- 1
He was, however, the first one to display his bathroom wares in a showroom so that when customers needed a new fixture they would immediately think of his name. 不管怎样他是第一个在陈列室里展出他的卫生间设备的人,以至于当顾客需要新的抽水马桶时他们立即想到了他的名字。 - 2
He was, however, the first one to display his bathroom wares in a showroom, so that when customers needed a new fixture, they would immediately think of his name. 然而,他却是第一个在陈列室展览厕所用具的人。 这就是为甚麽当顾客想要添置新的设施时,他们都立即会想要他的名字。 - 3
He was, however, the first one to display his bathroom wares in a showroom, so that when customers needed a new fixture, they would immediately think of his name. 不管怎样他是第一个在陈列室里展出他的卫生间设备的人,以至于当顾客需要新的抽水马桶时他们立即想到了他的名字。