The coarse crystalline LC4 alloy exhibit some superplasticity under lower temperature and higher strain rate, because it can create effective recrystallization refinement.
粗晶lc 4合金在较低温度和较高应变速率条件下,因能产生有效的再结晶细化,而呈现出一定的超塑性。
Coarse crystalline LC4 Aluminium Alloy presents certain superplasticity at lower deformation temperature and higher strain rate because it can create effective recrystallize refinement.
粗晶lc 4合金在较低温度和较高应变速率条件下,因能产生有效的再结晶细化而呈现出一定的超塑性。
Meanwhile, fine crystal discharge device was added in crystallizer to decline quantity of crystal nucleus and to increase crystal growth rate so as to reach the aim of improving crystalline quality.